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Seeds, Genetics, Germination & Cloning: Part 1


After breaking down the fundamental plant variables and conditions needed in order to achieve a successful harvest, it is time to begin thinking about Seeds, Genetics, Germination and Cloning. It is very important to understand where your genetics are coming from and whether they are from a reliable and reputable source. Having the right genetics and seeds can mean the difference between wasting your time on a predisposed cycle or a successful grow, stemming from a reputable breeder of cannabis seeds. The genetics you choose also define the experience your end product delivers, so make sure to take time and review your breeder’s specifications.

Plant Genetics:

Male Genetics:

Male cannabis plants will produce seeds and pollen sacks that will explode in the goal of pollenating a female bud and stimulating reproduction cycles. This is ideal for breeders and cross breeders looking to create new strains but can be very difficult to manage as pollen is microscopic and can affect female only grow sites for a very long time if not managed properly.

Female Genetics:

Female cannabis plants produce big buds with a sticky, sap like resin to catch pollen from a male plant in the hopes of reproducing. The female plant will continue to grow in size throughout its life cycle trying to become pollenated. This is the end goal to create buds that will never become pollenated also better known as “Sinsemilla”.


If a female plant is in a state of constant stress, the female plants can produce seeds without being pollenated by a male. This happens when their environment or plant variables are not in order. Many times, this will happen if there is too much light within their flower photoperiods or when temperatures are inconsistent.


Strain Genetics:


Sativa plants are characterized by being taller, skinner plants with a lighter green color. They can take anywhere from 10 to 16 weeks to fully ripen and mature in their flowering stage. They tend to have higher THC making the user feel a sense of euphoria, creativity, focus and productivity. Known to be the “Day Time High”, Sativa is great for treating depression and some pain relief while mainly affecting the mind.


Indica plants are defied by their shorter pattern of growth while producing tightly packed, dense buds. Indica on average has an 8 to10 week flower time allowing for faster harvests. Its effects are notorious for the body high sensations they provide. Along with a body high, comes ultimate relaxation from the enhanced CBD properties, making it perfect for night time consumption. Indica is great for muscle pains, insomnia and anxiety.


Hybrid plants are Indica and sativa strains that have been crossbred to create a mix of both effects. Most strains that are hybrid are leaning dominant towards one side but still provide unique genetics otherwise not normally achieved.


Cannabinoids make up about 60 or so natural compounds found within the cannabis & hemp plant. The most well-known cannabinoids are Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol or better known as THC and CBD. As cannabis science continues to develop and regulations loosen, newer cannabinoids are able to be researched and enter the market like CBG, CBN, CBC, CBL, and CBE. Each cannabinoid reacts with endocannabinoid receptors in the brain, influencing different effects. THC is known to be the psychoactive properties with in cannabis while CBD is more geared toward health and medical properties


Part of the cannabis plants key feature is its aromatics and sticky oil production. These smells and essential oils are terpenes that secrete from the plant just like cannabinoids do to create a lasting effect. There have been researched to be over 100 different types of terpenes within cannabis. Ranging from citrus to berry, earthy, peppery, and piney smells which actually influence the beneficial properties of the cannabis plant.


Seeds Available on The Market:

Standard Seeds:

Across the board, many seeds come in standard packages that can have a variety of male and female genetics. This can be undesirable for smaller, at home cultivators as they are not looking to grow females and cross breed genetics, at least initially. The price of course on average will be less expensive compared to feminized strains.

Feminized Seeds:

Feminized seeds are seeds that are guaranteed by the supplier to sprout female only plants. Breeders achieve this by crossbreeding a female plant with another female that has be pushed to produces seeds through excessive stress. This can also be done by just simply forcing the plant to hermaphrodite developing new seeds as a survival response. Although this has a high success rate of producing feminized seeds, this of course cannot be true 100% all of the time. So definitely look out to confirm the plants sex as it goes through its stages of life.

Autoflower Seeds:

Very popular amongst beginners, auto flower plants don’t produce buds based on photoperiods but rather, based on the number of weeks it has been growing. On average, they begin producing buds after about 5 to 6 weeks in their life cycle, regardless of amount of light given. The main risk factor in growing autoflower is that they are more prone to seeding and becoming a hermaphrodite. Otherwise, under the right conditions they can produce buds very quickly. Auto flower cannabis plants are created by crossing a female with a subspecies called “Ruderalis”.

Seed Banks:

Seed banks are typically a middle man source that provide seeds across the world from well known breeders. These middle man seed banks are wonderful as they provide guaranteed genetics from the breeder and have a wide variety of selections. Also, their sole purpose is to provide the best genetics developed by horticulture professionals. The only down side to ordering seeds is that it can take a long time for shipping as they are still not legal internationally, they can get held up in customs or lost in the mail. Most suppliers will try to offer discretion packaging and insurance on the seeds. Definitely take these options as they will better guarantee safe delivery.

Benefits of Growing from Seed:

Germinated seeds will develop a taproot that will help anchor the plant down. This enhances the vigor and strength of the plant and its root system allowing it to take up more nutrients efficiently. Many commercial cultivators tend to seed mother plants and take clones from these plants as they produce the healthiest clones. Above all, growing from seed will ensure higher yields, better plant health and potency.


Stay tuned for our next blog where we discuss Part 2 of Seeds, Genetics, Germination & Cloning! Comment below what you would like to see from us in a future blog.

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